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Everything posted by Grey

  1. It LIVES! So just to close this off - after taking it apart a couple of times and testing where everything worked, everytime I reassembled and tested it didnt work. In the end I gave in and dropped it to Wolf Armouries. The tech initially had the same issue as I did with parts working when disassembled and then not working when assembled. He finally traced the fault to a tiny bit of corrosion on the motor that the initial drop must have dislodged. I'm happy to have the gun back - working and serviced with new lipo connections and happy with the service I recived from Wolf.
  2. Nope! Not only that, I snapped the solder connection on the buffer tube! Theres a chance its not working because of the connection so I'll probably send it to a shop now. I did disassemble again so will look to carefully put it back together and try to solder and see how I get on. I'll keep the thread updated to completion just in case someone else ever has this issue.
  3. I’ve tested the circuit and it works - from buffer to motor with a pull of the trigger. On visual inspection everything looks fine. Nothing broken and nothing out of place - except the piston spring that wasn’t attached to the piston. I think this might be aftermarket as it looks bigger than the standard ones I’ve seen in videos. I’m going to slowly start to reassemble and see how that goes.
  4. So now completely opened up! Theres nothing that’s missing or out of place. I’ll clean the contact for the trigger and see if i can test it before i put it back together. I’m not sure how the white piston needs to be set for reassembly so I’ll have to look that up. If anyone knows please let me know.
  5. Nope…still the same issue. I have a specific mag that lets me dry fire it and that wasn’t working when i was testing.
  6. I'm going to be working on this today. Watched a video about taking it apart and saw where the spring sits for the empty mag detection feature so I'm hoping that might have popped off! 🤞 Lets see what happens ....
  7. Yes you’re right. I tested with a mag that allows this gun to dry fire. Maybe the bolt stop feature is something to look at 👍 Yes, motor was connected up with both wires. This gun has a Lipo mod and can run two batteries. I’m going to try and connect the motor to another battery out of the gun to make sure. Unfortunately I don’t have another motor to test.
  8. Thanks for the quick reply! I’ll do the motor now. As far as I know this is a stock gun. Tested and nothing. Did the test with both mag in and mag out. I have a broken mag that allows dry fire.
  9. So my trusty 416D has stopped working … broke free from the sling and dropped about 1 foot straight down onto the silencer!! 😭 No sign of damage but stopped working immediately. Decided to have a look myself and now its sitting half stripped on my desk but thought I would ask if anyone might know what I need to get into to have a look? Basically I was taking it apart to to see if I could see anything. I need it for Sunday 19th so my best option is to find the issue and order parts if something is broken. Logic is telling me that it has to be motor, power or trigger related as anything else would still make noise? Even if the gearbox was broken would it still try and fire? Any ideas would be much appreciated! Thanks! 🙇‍♂️
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