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Everything posted by tokyo-joe

  1. Bit of a noob question but how would I convert my akm into this style? I am very familiar with MWS but my ak knowledge is poor…
  2. Tagging in for news on a short hand guard and folding stock combo. I got a first gen unit and while the recoil is impressive the fake wood is terrible.
  3. Ah, excellent. Thank you for the confirmation Rob. I already made an order to Japan for a couple of these just in case!
  4. I am having a little trouble with the rear takedown pin wanting to part company a little too easily... I have the small spring that is supposed to retain it, but is there a pin or guide that I am missing? If it is just the tiny spring the retains the rear takedown pin, what's the correct way of installing it? Thanks 🤗 EDIT: It looks like I may be missing part MGG2-141, the spring should slip onto this and prevent the pin from leaving the lower.
  5. Hi @Wo1f, WD40 is listed as a metal lubricant. I will order some of the product you recommended and give that a go though. The barrel and hop is all standard, no changes. Please, can you link the MWS NPAS you would recommend?
  6. Great thread, thanks for starting it and adding all the input @Wo1f I picked one up from the first MWS batches (late 2015) and have been using it (internally stock) ever since. I have been using 0.2g and never tried a heavier bb so will be trying 0.28g and 0.3g after reading this thread 🙄 For maintenance, I have been using grease on the bolt carrier group and inside the upper receiver and wd40 on the trigger box. It seems to have worked well but after reading this thread I have some doubts that I have been doing the correct practice. Please, can you list the specific lubes and products you use to keep your MWS tip top? With regards to fps; mine is untouched internally and since I first chronoed it in 2015 to my last game late summer, with 144a at around 15deg it shoots 350 fps with 0.2g. With green gas it's closer to 370 fps and that is exasperated when the temperature goes up. Any idea why it shoots so hot? I could go down the NPAS route but have heard so many horror stories about those that I am trying to keep it all stock for longevity. Oh after three years the only defect I've observed is that the rear takedown pin has lost its spring. Any ideas on where I can replace that spring? Thanks!
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