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Profile Information

  • Guns
    ASG EVO 2020 / KC02 / WE 226 / Frankenstein's TM G18C / 4.3 TM Hi-capa / Cyma 40mm / A&K M1892
  • Loadouts
    Whatever goes!!
  • Sites
    Airsoft Plantation / Tower Airsoft / Hockley
  • Gender
  • Location
    South Essex
  • Interests
    Mechanics / Engineering / Farming / Drinking

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  1. Awesome, thank you very much! It indeed worked. Cheers!
  2. Sorry if this has been asked before, but i thought i'd ask before i potentially turn my bottle into a bootleg missile. Can i remove my SLPR regulator off of the bottle with compressed air still in it? Many thanks
  3. Does anyone mark their kit to identifiy it easier? It would be really easy for someone to grab some of my gear in the safezone, with little to no proof that it's mine! I imagine magazines are very easy thing to pinch. I've thought about marking my magazines with sharpie, with my name and phone number. Another idea i had was having a load of QR code stickers with a hyperlink to my profile on here? Anyone had any ideas along these lines?
  4. Auf


    Hiya, my mate has bought the SSE18 and used it on three game days, and he seems to like it. It's got fair range and it's rps is adequate, build quality is alright too. Magazine size is brilliant - these thin little mags have 80 - 100 rounds if I remember correctly. I wouldn't say it's anything particularly special, however it's got the advantage of being an AEP and not affected by the cold but I can't comment about reliability. My understanding is that Novritsch's own stuff is mostly rebadged and slightly upgraded, and it's obvious that him and his marketing team are pushing his products on new players. Personally I wouldn't buy anything from him - you don't get a reputation like that from selling good gear. Good luck.
  5. Wow, this looks brilliant, i will be bringing my crowd here if this all blows over. The concept itself is pretty unique and awesome. Hope all goes well.
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