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Leader Bee

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  1. Hadn't thought about a budget, I never thought a sling would have been all that expensive...ideally, wanted to see what was out there and then make a judgement based on that. Also thinking maybe some buttstock belts with loops on might allow me to use the along I already bought
  2. Where can I get a sling that will work with an FN2000? I bought a 2 point sling from Amazon but the clips are too chunky to fit in the sling points near the back end of the gun...and imo the attachment points look flimsy anyway, they look like they could snap after some use given that it's just made of plastic and not metal...
  3. Rune, have you got suspenders for those erbenamuster trousers? I assume you got them from Epic Militaria? Even though I got the right size I still feel like I need some to keep them up properly.
  4. I'd be grateful yeah, I thought I must have gotten the wrong size when I put them on and they were almost half up my chest...glad to know they're supposed to be like that...where would you recommend getting braces from?
  5. Ahh, cheers, I figured it was going to tie like a stirrup but having had ACU digital camo in the past, the ankle laces for those just tightened the leg holes so I got confused
  6. I've got an M40 helmet and some Waffen SS Peadot "Erbensmuster" camo from Epic Militaria. Don't suppose you know how to tie those laces on the ankles of the trousers do you? Also considering getting some braces and an A/Y frame but not looking to be 100% historical as I don't do milsim, just wanted somethign slightly different to the norm.
  7. I have a slightly squeaky trigger on an FN2000, Am I ok to lube it up with plain on petroleum jelly?
  8. Gear set or motor set? just looking out of curiosity theres the ASG Infinity CNC motor U-18000 all the way up to the U-45000 but it doesn't explain what the difference is; I'm assuming the highter the number the better the RoF but i've never upgraded a gun so no idea
  9. LMG or HMG with highest rate of fire that isn't a minigun of some kind? EDIT: And not a G&P Rapid II - Im looking specifically for an LMG or HMG form factor
  10. Looks like a snubby Ika Zuchi - Awkward as hell to change the batteries. https://www.google.com/search?q=ika+zuchi&safe=off&sxsrf=ALeKk00MQSxzW57Zpl_awclzefXzbsSwhA:1596283324119&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjNxPrj-vnqAhWjThUIHXxVAEwQ_AUoAXoECGcQAw&biw=1777&bih=895#imgrc=zfUsw-YG2aDfkM Turns out they were happy with a copy of my last booking for a game, almost a year ago!
  11. Haven't played in ages so i'm unsure if my UKARA has expired but I just placed an order for a cybergun FN2000 and an ICS MGL, I suppose the store will get back to me and let me know if my UKARA is no good anymore...
  12. Thanks, contacted them but said it's not compatible with sgr12 but repairsoft made a modification to make it fit; just waiting a response.
  13. Are there any tracer units that will work for a tri-shot or has anyone had experience of making their own? Ideally not a HUTU as I don't fancy drilling any internals ATM.
  14. How would one go about chrono-ing an sgr 12? Usually with a tri shot you would be asked to put only a single BB into a shell but the sgr's instructions say very specifically not to dry fire otherwise you risk shattering the custom pistons...only firing a single BB will of course leave 2 of the barrels dry, would it not?
  15. I have an echo 1 RDP spectre and the metal ball bearing under the fire selector switch has fallen out, which means the gun doesn't stay on full or semi auto reliably. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement?
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