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Compulsive Reload

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Everything posted by Compulsive Reload

  1. Zeroin it was used, may have it tomorrow Kind of reminds me of an arsehole, combined with the brainbugs mouth off starship troopers
  2. Wesker o1p umbrella Chris model samurai edge Ics l85 USP match We floral glock
  3. He's got this on zeroin aswell, literally told him the are £130 or less new. The absolute turnip. I'm curious as to how that much is as i would like one
  4. These are £120-£130 new mate, you may want to drop your initial price to around 70% for starters.
  5. 3 different tokyo marui samurai edges. Will have to wait and see which ones.
  6. Haha, not really tbh and I wouldn't be using the helmet if I did. The last one I was going to do was preying mantis pmc off metal gear solid 4
  7. Nope all the glock shall be mine, my we has a maple leaf in it tbh.
  8. Haha fair enoof snooze you looze I guess! was a good deal that, planned on dual wielding 😢
  9. If that was the one on used airsoft I hate you. I messaged him and he asked whethrr I wanted it and said yes. Didn't respond till 30 mins later then, said someones coming to collect it.
  10. This coming from the man who has like 3 Kwa Vectors or some shit haha. They arer really popular, pretty much a pop for most games and TV shows, characters etc. Some become vaulted and rare, if you ever see one with a "chase" sticker out in the shops, they are the rare variant and are usually worth about £20 to £30 but cost the same as a normal, wereas a standard pop is like £10.
  11. Say that to all the boys? POP vinyls them mate, collect quite a few of them.
  12. Managed to get my gridwall up with a massive help from my dad, unfortunately the time I done it the daylight had gone. Need more hooks as well 😭
  13. Depends on the person, with real guns ppl usually have different colours of tape representing different ammo types, Airsofters may do it to show different capacity magazines. As for this, was bought like this, lets just go with cos diehard.
  14. Yeah same, got the CE preordered, there is a 30 min demo on the 11th i think
  15. T virus and antivirus I'll have you know 😀, g virus is purple. Cheers, they are Hollywood collectibles group, discontinued and very rare worth around 500 to 800, bought them in eBay years ago for £120.
  16. Resident evil fan but I collect lots of things, massive gamer tbh my room is overflowing with Collectibles. Trying to get all the resident evil pistols atm
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