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Everything posted by ProPain87

  1. Finally bit the bullet and ordered this, condor exo plate carrier gen 2 l/xl ive been eyeing it up for ages but because I’m tall (6.3) and big (fat 20st 6lb at my last weigh in, I’m on a diet 😂) I’ve been putting it off but it actually fits nicely with room to go bigger and smaller on the cummerbund 👍👍 also picked up some wall hooks so I can get my guns on the wall in my cupboard
  2. Just brought 2 second hand vortex sparcs, one for £50 and the other for £75 👍👍 bargin in my opinion, the £50 one is a bit scuffed but works perfect. One happy man when I was ready to buy a brand new one.
  3. you sound like the mrs lol i never got round to doing it after i redecorated, used to have black trunking and it made the tv and sound bar look like a robot stick man 😂
  4. Adapter has come for the striker and I’m not keen 😂 the diameter on the action army adapter is smaller that the outer barrel so looks a bit odd in my opinion. Going to order the ares one see what that’s like. It’ll do for game day tho, does make the gun a lot quieter 👍 I’ll post a picture later on
  5. My first ever cqb game was with a m16 rental 😂 I’ll give it a blast because I do really like how it looks, I can always change it mid day
  6. Brought a silencer and adapter for my striker but the adapter hasn’t come yet, so thought I’d try it on my m4. Its a touch long for cqb but I really like the look
  7. New short outer barrel for the striker and some bbs. Got a free patch too 👍 threw it on the gun quick to have a look, really like it
  8. Got myself a newbie today 😍 also got a multi shot base for my trmr
  9. Got this, this weekend although I didnt buy it. Was a birthday present
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