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Everything posted by MSSW Rune

  1. Yeah they are very practical for the most part but you won't be doing and speed reloads with these pouches and most of the guns stock out the box are awful. For example the mp40 needs either the AK hop mod or a 3d printed hop unit, new hop rubber, nub and barrel to make it useable. The mags need a few bb's under the spring to give it more tension so you end up with real caps unless you can find the 100rd plastic mid caps. The MP44 needs pretty much the same but it's all just M4 internals so it's super easy and turns into a beast with very little work. Most of the spring k98k's are fantastic though even stock apart from any that are shell ejecting as they tend to break almost instantly and are only good as a base stock to put say a vsr or similar in them. Gas k98k's tend to be a bit crap and we avoid them within the group as most of us haven't had good experiences with them. The PPS gas k98k being the only exception. As far as allied weapons go the Thompson is pretty solid from most brands and the cheap cyma one (£90) is a real surprise gun. Tiny bit of work and it's shockingly good. The sten is basically as bad as the mp40 and needs just as much work with similar issues. The ICS m1 garand is stunning though and my guys loved theirs when we did 101st airborne kits.
  2. Thanks, most of the kit is repro but a few items are original but mostly just personal items like the deinglas and code marching compass which are war time originals and so on.
  3. Got a few photos of my latest kit progression. Think it's coming together nicely now though. Feldwebel Reinhold Zimmerman of II Kompanie 125th regiment of 21st panzer division at Normandy 1944. He scans the hedgerows for movement and checks his bearings before moving on with his trupp.
  4. This is actually my II Kompanie 125 regiment kit again but post op nordwind hence the MP44. Unfortunately I took this photo before I realised my sumpfmuster 44 smock had loads of excess dye that needed washing out so doesn't look very good in this photo compared to the first ones uploaded.
  5. It's nice to see a forum that's not totally dead like so many others! So here is something a bit different from the norm. A WWII kit thread. I'll start it off with my Heer stuff. Feldwebel Reinhold Zimmerman of II Kompanie 125th regiment of 21st panzer division at Normandy 1944. He scans the hedgerows for movement and checks his bearings before moving on with his trupp. #milsim #filmsim #battlesim #worldwar2 #ww2 #airsoftuk #airsoft #bbwar #uk #bbwar #airsoftgun #airsoftnation #panzergrenadier #grenadier #southwest #devon #cornwall #german #reenactmentww2 #nonpolitical #ww2airsoft #ww2german So this is the start of a gothic line fallschirmjäger kit but I'm not sure on a regiment yet to take this down a more accurate road yet.
  6. Thanks, I actually ended up running black kit all day yesterday as my coveralls have built in knee pads and lots of vents when it got a bit warmer. First time I had run full black kit for around 12 years lol. I actually really enjoyed using it way more than I thought I would. This is what my legs looked like before lunch. It got much worse lol
  7. Decided to try my new kit with my spectre partizan suit which I normally just use for recon kits. I think it looks ok actually and might run it tomorrow at a game after I'm bored of running all black.
  8. Start of my new Russian FSB direct action kit. I still need a norotos pasgt nvg shroud and ratchet plus a Bars pasgt cover in multicam for when I run this kit with my crye's. Kit list: RBR mk2 pasgt helmet Fort defender 2 semi molle Mix of issued ana and fort pouches ANA issued holster Jtec padded belt SSO vympel coveralls AK105
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