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Profile Information

  • Guns
    src m4 ris
    Tokyo marui g3sas
    lonex l4-baw-spr
    we sword cutlass (dual wield soon)
  • Loadouts
    Woodland nbc
    Olive chest rig
  • Sites
    Delta team 3 ormskirk
    the sanctuary st helens
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Cars, detailing, and as much time with my kids as I can do.

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  1. http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/ACOG-Style-1x32-Red-Green-Dot-Sight-w-Iron-Sights-for-Airsoft-FULL-METAL-Scope-/222242237682?txnId=1816053567012 I just got this for my valken it works very well.
  2. The 20 quid red/green dots on ebay work great.
  3. Not tried the bio BBs. I have .25g rockets and they are amazing in my pistol. Arrow straight and travel a nice distance too.
  4. I tried skimming mine to basics but still ended up with a full chest rig lol. I have my dump pouch on back of my rig on right. Then pistol holster and 2 pistol pouches. 3 m4 pouches 2 grenade and radio and 2 spare pistol mags on chest plate in admin pouch pocket.
  5. Few deliveries today spare batteries, BBs, and a low profile holo scope
  6. My latest purchases is a lonex l4-baw-spr and a 15 quid shotty which is surprisingly good for its cost. Also waiting on tracer unit to arrive.
  7. Cheap and warm. I used to use one for work on demolition. Very hard wearing gear.
  8. Just purchased my woodland nbc camo and boots plus plate carrier and chest rig. Hopefully be here in time for the weekend fun at delta 3
  9. I'm guessing the site in question has a lot of wild pricing.
  10. my latest purchase absolute bargain with attachments included.
  11. that is my plan mate. i got this as a learning curve before i get a new proper gun. then i have a ground knowledge for repairs. then when i have mine my son will be using this one for a bit. i like the m4's so most bits i buy can be transfered over to the better one. the metal body will be the base of my own custom build.
  12. nuprol high torque motor and cnc spring guide today. along with booked for full rewire and metal body on order for my m4
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