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  • Guns
    S&T Ppsh-41
    G&G MG-42
    TM Thompson
    TM AK47
    Various pistols
  • Loadouts
    Waffen-SS Panzer Grenadier
  • Sites
    Ace Combat
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  1. I wear a gas-mask. Years back, playing with a bunch of mates on a derelict farm, me and one of the mates came around a corner on each other and I hit him with a burst (six feet, 450fps). One of the BBs went through his scarf and penetrated his lip, the other gashed his scalp. When I saw the BB in his lip I thought it was just a bit of a broken one sticking on the surface. Then he said he could feel a large lump in his lip and when I realised I was seeing just a portion of it through the split flesh I was able to squeeze it out (like a zit). Lesson learned.
  2. I'm hoping somebody here might have a clue what's going on with mine. It's brand new but I had it modded by the shop. High-speed motor and gears, decent piston and piston-head and I fitted a G&G green bucking. I also tightened the hop-up dial, which was loose and causing problems. Here's the weirdness; with the stock spring (which looks janky as hell) it puts 0.2g BBs out with next to zero hop-up at 330fps. Which is pretty poor. With an M120 spring it drops to 220fps. With the stock spring from my G&G MG-42 it does even less. My son's brand new one is doing 350fps (zero hop), absolutely stock. Looking into the hop with the nozzle forward it seems to be connecting ok and I feel no air coming out the feed-hole. It puffs air nicely out of the muzzle into the palm of my hand. I've read around and there doesn't seem to be an issue of the barrel being too short as 400fps has been reported with an M120 spring. Which leaves me at a loss to understand what's going on. I did consider the possibility the stock spring is an M150 monster but that wouldn't account for somebody else's doing 400fps with an M120. Any ideas would be much appreciated. TIA.
  3. Introducing myself. I'm obviously new to this forum but not to airsoft, though I have been away from it for many years. I started in the sport way back in 1990 in Tokyo Japan, before the days of the electric malarkey, and watched it grow over the years. I dabbled in it once back in the UK but the industry here was very rudimentary in the mid to late nineties. I got back into it at the end of last year and despite the restrictions that have been placed upon it, it seems to be thriving. I'm currently playing at Ace Combat in Kent and it's all very pukka. Maybe/hopefully some of you guys here go there too. Guess that'll do.
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