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Everything posted by asbo1991

  1. anyone who went to the barrack last Saturday was pleasure playing with or against you, think everyone played fairly so was great day

  2. Has anyone used the Nuprol Mid caps, any reviews?

  3. thanks for the responses guys order a couple of extra spares just in case means we don't have to worry about them running out and sitting out for the rest of the day
  4. hes got either the 9.6 or 8.4v 1600nah Nimh and I have got zero one 8.4v 2200Nah Nimh, anyone know the best place I can order form today and get it delivered by tomorrow>?
  5. Qick question me and mate only have 1 battery each will we be able to charge them back up during the lunch break or should they last all day?
  6. When will the next meet be after this one is all over and done with?
  7. this is going to be a good game by the look of the numbers I will be there with my mate both with G&G CM16, they are two toned mine is green and my mates is blue so come and say hi
  8. I am booked in with my mate first time for him second time for me but first time using my own gear
  9. Hi all, anyone going to the Mall on the 21st?
  10. SO my first load out is nearly complete just awaiting a fore grip, is it wrong to be as excited as 12 year old
  11. Thought about the work trouser ideas and work trousers where a great idea 1/3 of the cost form amazon so got black work trousers and universal knee pads thanks for the advice all
  12. Hi All, thanks Sorry for not being clear, also was not aware that ones with inbuilt knee pads are not technically BDU's I have been look on military 1st and maximum I would be looking to spend would around 50 max. I have to agree my post was very lazy so outlaid questions below for ease: Best place to Buy Black BDU's looking to spend maximum of £50 all in?(like the idea of using work trousers with knee inserts) Is it worth buying a set trouser with build in knee pads I.E. Viper tactical trousers? Cheers guys sorry for being a pain
  13. so my goodies I posted the other day are starting to turn up and looking forward to my first game on the 21st at the Mall, quick question for you all out there I have gone for an all black look including a black Fast helmet. SO my question, best place to buy Black BDU's with in built knee pads or not?
  14. Perfect thanks will have look see what I can find, if not will just have to cry everytime I knell down
  15. Alee91 thanks for the ideas, definitely goanna need to smart to begin with due to only having a mini between me and missus Any knee pads you recommend or just any old knee pads will do to begin with?
  16. Yesterday Brought my first of everything will get pics up when it all arrives: G&G CM16 Raider Two tones (for now) Zero One Fast/Trickle Charger Zero One 8.4v high performance battery TMC Strike Mask Black ZCA AEG mag for M4 300 rounds x2 Bolle Tracker Safety Googles Full finger light gloves with knuckle protection Single point bungee harness Ebay special Black airsoft tactical Molle vest Anyone recommend anything I have missed off?
  17. I would be interested in the next game after this one, at the Mall or if woodland I might need to get some Camo for this, any who I am from West London- Heathrow
  18. Hi ak2m4, tried to keep my costs down but end up spending near 300quid this what I went with in the end: Zero one AIrsoft: G&G CM16 Raider two toned (until I get my UKARA number then will be sparyed black) Zero ONe Fast/ TRickle charge Zero one 8.4v High performance battery TMC Stirke Mask Black ZCA AEG mag for M4 300 rounds Amazon: Bolle Tracker safety googles Full finger light gloves with knuckle protection Ebay: SIngle point bungee harness Black airsoft tactical Molle Tatical vest (item number up top) Hopefully this will all be here in the next few weeks, ready for me to rock up at my first game using my own kit
  19. Hi all, completely new to airsoft, only played once before at ZED the mall, been spending ages trying to get a load out together. anyone use a vest from eBay found one I am thinking about getting, don't want to spend to much just yet. EBay item number:281743906702 (sorry can copy and paste the ling) Any advice would greatly appreciated Cheers, Tony
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