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Everything posted by DANNY THOMAS

  1. MARPAT looks a lot nicer than DPM i think.
  2. very nice colour. looks like it may not be all black everything. i don't plan on buying anything just yet but i want to keep sizing up setups and concepts etc try and get my head around it.. theres so much customisation it's mad.
  3. currently looking at the cost of eye protection and different styles. I have seen people say the glasses aren't the safest but do not fog up? is this true? do expensive goggles still fog up? also TINTED or NOT TINTED? I was considering; balaclava black tinted glasses black mesh guard and a hard hat helmet (maybe mich2000) what are your views on this?
  4. so am trying to get an idea for my load out once i start building it all.. and I was looking at all black everything, head to toe. I then read up that this is a great concept for CQB but awful for outdoors. So, what is the best clothing / colour to do my first load out on?
  5. I understand paintball you pay a walk-on fee.. then buy balls really cheap from the site and they cover costs and still make money on the day after all its still a business. but i noticed a lot of load outs people carry there own grenades / pirotec and even BBs in there packs etc. so where do the sites make money? and where the sites force you to purchase or pay for things? and of cause what is good? have you used anything? as i am still to play my first airsoft am interested in all reviews and feedback… fire away.
  6. i only seen games on sundays at http://www.swaturban.com is there a website with these games listed or is there a section on the forum with these midweek games?
  7. yeah i noticed, i checked the map for site locations and theres loads more sites than paintball! very handy.
  8. Liverpool. My first game is at Swat AirSoft Liverpool this Sunday.
  9. Thanks guys I'll check them out 👍🏼
  10. So I have played to games of paintball and wanted to get into it as a hobby/sport. Then realised the more and more I looked at guns and games etc the milslim was what I am after so after long reading up on paintball I then read up about air soft and realised.. Am probably in the wrong place... so now am here. I have booked onto my first game at swat air soft Liverpool this Sunday to see why it's like and how it goes. Other than that expect some silly questions while I get started and find my way.
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