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  • Guns
    JG 608-KV, WE Compact XDM 3.8
  • Loadouts
    Eagle Plate Carrier, 4x G36 Mags and lots of enthusiasm :)
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    Devin Townsend, Tattoo's, Walking my dogs, Battlefield 4 (PC) oh and Airsoft :)

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  1. I've been spoilt with my JG G36 as I only ever need one battery for the day lol. Right gonna go with the 7.v and see what happens. Cheers guys. If you have any specific recommendations please feel free to drop them in this thread
  2. That confuses me more as the choice just get's bigger and bigger . Just want a battery that will last me the day and fits in the bloody thing
  3. This is G&G have told me that the gun has to have 11.1v as anything else is not powerful enough " Thanks for your mail. The most recommended Li-po battery is 11.1V with three piece or any other 11.1V Li-po which could be put inside this model. We have received some feedbacks regarding no fire while pulling the trigger with 9.6V Ni-Mh or 7.4V Li-po battery as we recommended on manual. Then we found it needs much power to run the motor pushing ETU system, even 9.6V Ni-Mh battery works, it will be out of power soon. Therefore, we have revised the note on our manual and recommend 11.1V Li-po battery on our ETU models." So i need to make a 11.1v fit :/
  4. Hi, Recently bought a G&G CM16 SR-L and have been advised from G7G themselves that I need 11.1 lipo batteries due to the ETU being a bit power hungry They are updating their manual to reflect this. So my hunt for batteries started and I've found these 2 http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=17282 and http://www.componentshop.co.uk/11-1v-1000mah-20c-continuous-discharge-airsoft-lipo-split-pack.html Thing is I'm concerned they won't fit in the stock as they are too 'wide'. The stock has 6 positions and I need to move it to the first one to grab the connector and the 'middle bit doesn't appear to have that much depth:- Will I be able to 'wiggle them down the sides as they are 3 pieces? Thanks all
  5. Ah, makes sense I went for this now though http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_403_494&products_id=4397 Still like the look of the 30th anniversary though
  6. Did you order the black one and it comes with the snakeskin effect or ask for a two tone and it came like that? I'd prefer it in just black but concerned their 'black' is actually 'blue snake skin'
  7. What would those batteries be sir on hobbyking? This gun is in my list of potential M4's and as you may remember i have no clues when it comes to lipo batteries and you advised me before for my G36:)
  8. Thanks all for the advice. I'm now (subject to having a test) getting a WE XMD compact from a friend with holster and 4 mags. http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/we-xdm-compact-3-8-gbb-pistol-tan.html#.Vl1p0pePyDU He's looked after it and all looks good. I'll be testing on Sunday at my local site Thanks all once again.
  9. After reading a post on here about pistols (and thanks to Santa possibly coming early) I'm looking to get my first pistol. I'd like extra mags and a holster too (potentially drop leg rather than straight on the belt). I like this one http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-guns/r17-black-army?from=listing&campaign-id=19 Whats peoples opinion? Am I right in thinking TM mags will fit it and whats the recommended site/shop to get them at a reasonable price? What gas would people recommend and does it have to use .20mm bbs? Can you use .25s? I also like this one http://www.taiwangun.com/en/gas-guns/mk23-heavy-weight-gas-pistol-stti?from=listing&campaign-id=19 And same again, what mags fit it please? What holsters would be recommended for them both as well? Thanks all, much appreciated
  10. I thought about the keyring idea but it would potentially look a bit naff as they are silver. Didn't think of the para cord idea. I don't want to buy another sling really (that would make 3!)
  11. I've got a G36 Variant (G608 KV) which has 3 sling attachments, one on the barrel, one on the body at the end and one on the stock (end nearest the body). They are all 'Hoops'. I bought a 1 point sling which fits them all fine as it's a circle 'clip' that goes over them. I wanted to use a 2 point sling so bought one, but it has different clips (this one in fact http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251929534870?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&var=550805644864&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT ). It doesn't fit the hoops So I bought these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121814488586?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT And these too don't fit the hoops as the edges of the hoops are too wide by about 1mm. What 2 point sling or adapters and sling will fit my gun?? Thanks all
  12. Well I got it apart, unfortunately it was nothing like the one in the video and no 'single screw' to release the internals. So I undid all the screws and it was like a moment from a cartoon....BB's and springs shot out across the room I did discover that the little rubber 'ring' should have fitted around the 'feeder top' that pushes the BB's up. It may have been from the speedloader but it appears to fit in a little 'groove' on below the feeder top. However lots of bits of broken plastic also came out along with a metal 'square nut'. Basically it's fudged I've put it back together as best I can but will have to send it back.
  13. Brilliant, thanks guys, I'll give it a go. Worse case it's knackered and I get a replacement from Patrolbase. Will try it and let you know.
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