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  • Guns
    Umarex H&K G36C
  • Sites
    Grimsby Arena Airsoft

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  1. Update: Thanks to all your help, I have bought the Krytac Trident CRB and kitting it up with new scope and angled foregrip
  2. Hey, im 23 iv got my UKARA so no issues there, its just the, but still most retailers seem to be out of stock. Ill have to give someone a call and see when theyare back in stock
  3. thanks, now I need to find somewhere that has the Krytac in stock! Dont know about you guys but every Airsoft retailer website seems to be out of stock of nearly everything!
  4. Cheers for the help, im torn between saving money and going for the G&G GC16 MOD 0 30th Anniversary, the Krytac Trident CRB which looks very nice but is alot more, or G&G M14 EBR, at nearly £400 its pretty expensive but it looks beautiful. Great advice guys, will post my purchase when its made!
  5. Thanks for all the help guys. Based on your comments I have had a search and come up with a list of AEG's that im going to try and choose from, voting for your favourite is appreciated My list that I am searching through is below: 1. G&G Combat Machine SRL (http://www.airsoftworld.net/g-g-combat-machine-srl-cm16-sr-l.html) 2. G&G Combat Machine 300BOT - (http://www.airsoftworld.net/g-g-combat-machine-300bot.html) 3. G&G GC16 MOD0 30th Anniversary (http://www.airsoftworld.net/g-g-gc16-30th-anniversary-limited-edition-aeg-airsoft-rifle-dark-earth.html) 4. King Arms S&W m&p15x Carbine (http://www.airsoftworld.net/airsoft-guns/airsoft-bb-gun-type/airsoft-bb-gun-rifles/airsoft-bb-gun-m4-m16/king-arms-s-w-m-p15x-carbine.html) 5. G&G TR4 CQB-R Gen 3 (http://www.airsoftworld.net/g-g-tr4-cqb-r-airsoft-rifle-gen-3-mosfet.html) 6. King Arms SIG SAUER 556 Shorty Blowback (http://www.airsoftworld.net/king-arms-sig-sauer-556-shorty-airsoft-rifle-aeg-with-blowback.html) 7. ICS Par Mk3 C MTR (http://www.airsoftworld.net/ics-par-mk3-c-mtr-10-5-mtr-stock-ebb-airsoft-rifle-black.html) 8. G&G M14 SOC 16 (to add extended barrel and tracer unit plus scope for a basic DMR) (http://www.airsoftworld.net/airsoft-guns/airsoft-bb-gun-type/airsoft-bb-gun-rifles/airsoft-bb-gun-m14/gandg-gr-16-4623.html)
  6. Hello Airsofters! I am looking for a new AEG and would love some advice and reccomendations. I currently use an Umarex G36C, I am looking for an M4/16 variant, with a short to mid length barrel. I mainly play CQB but want to be able to take it onto fields too, especially this years AI 500! Preferably it would come with a tight bore inner barrel with a good to high rate of fire. I am planning to add a tracer unit so don't want something which has a really long barrel out of the foregrip, LiPo ready and comes with or is able to fit a Mosfet are bonuses. My budget is around £150-£280 for the gun. "Edit: I am also looking for either a Sniper Rifle or an M14 I can upgrade as a DMR, I dont really fancy the TM VSR 10 becuase of all the upgrades required to get a good fps and internals. Possibly looking at a G&G M14 SOC 16 or other VSR clone, but not too sure. Recently purchased a Swiss Arms Firepower SAR 10 CO2 Gas (VSR 10 clone) downgraded to shoot at 450 fps with supposedly good accuracy, but the build quality isnt great, the mag release doesnt always work and bb's roll out of the barrel if you aim down..." I hope you guys can help me, there seems to be far too many with so many differences at wild price ranges. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for the help! I think I will be sticking to my gun until I feel the urge for something a bit different.
  8. Hello AF UK! Newbie here from Sykehouse - Doncaster! Ok so I have a question that I hope you guys can help me with. I currently have an Umarex H&K G36c, I think its a great gun, it is very very accurate, comes with a tight bore barrel, made of polymer just like the real thing, full metal internals and 340-360 fps, has great rails on which I have added a holographic sight to the top and angled fore-grip on the bottom, all for around £120! My question is, what would I get, that is any better by buying a gun that costs £100-£200 more?? I am confused at what else can be improved that is worth another couple of hundred pounds. The gun is advertised as a starter weapon, so what do pro weapons have that is better? I hope you can help, thanks in advance!
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