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Everything posted by RTR2512

  1. Roger ok mate And ye they may get alittle pissed with you lol. Can the company two tone it for you then send it across no harm in asking then your getting what you want and customs will be happier.
  2. Hi dude im new to this but I would say no because because although it's not a live weapon system it's still chambers 8-9mm blank rounds. I'm in the forces currently and if we have blank rounds or pyrotechnics on us its a big no no. I would say you would need a full firearms lic to own one but don't quote me on this. Don't no if this has helped at all.
  3. I'm not going to lie about it it's my fault if I took it to a skirmish it would be on my head but I think the best option is to use this as my garden target gun our site out of mind then just get a rental till I get my lic thanks again mate and sorry all just new to all this and plus AEG guns would be more fun
  4. No I sprayed it a while bk and now thinking to take airsoft up properly
  5. I'm allways up for a laugh at submit new but as soon as I get my ukara lic I'll be bringing the rain ally style rock on with my springer on or I'm just going to fail epically and hire a rental Many thanks and looking fwd to fun times ahead This what I'll use with one times home made silencer :-)
  6. Thanks dude im always up for a laugh be a good crack probably use for one game then use rentals
  7. Hi all my names rich im 31 in the forces and lookin to start airsoft looks amazing so I'll be starting my ball rolling for my ukara at Warminster very soon looking fwd to mayhem :-) Just one thing I need to find out I have a m305f springer which used to be two tone had it for a while then decided to spray it tan leaving the butt plate and flash hider bright orange And now I want to take this up properly would I be allowed to use this at a skirmish to start with I will add a photo of it tomorrow if anyone wants a look but not going to lie looks gd Many thanks out to you
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