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Status Replies posted by SquashyTundra

  1. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Still with dangerous goods unfortunately, RM did give a number to contact dangerous goods directly to get queue updates

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  2. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Bank investigation has been closed, if the evidence I’ve supplied is good enough to close an official fraud investigation, it should be good enough for you. They were happy enough when I sent copies of our chats, images of the parcel before and after sealing, and Royal Mail details with your address - Which obviously matched the address you supplied and the address on the parcel. 

       I’d really rather not hear from you again, but you’re welcome to drop a message to let me know when it’s with you. I’m probably going to keep an eye on the inspection updates anyway. 


    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  3. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      IMG_9999.thumb.png.913eb83ac61bdc76712d43d408b57f01.pngBoy on the phone earlier confirmed that as long as the bottle is non-pressurised and unsealed there shouldn’t be any issues… If it comes to that then I’m sure we can discuss money for a bottle

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  4. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      You’ve got a number that matches what I’ve gave you, and you’ve got that number alongside your address. The same number that tells you the parcel is being held for investigation. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  5. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

  6. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Not pointless at all, it shows his information printed right on the ticket. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  7. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      I’ll send to you direct with number, will edit your details out of my above post. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  8. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Like I said, anything that can be linked to me is removed, but you’ve got a lovely slip of paper that has your address 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  9. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Let me know if you want me to remove your details again Lee. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  10. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Anything linking me has been covered as I don’t want any personal data shared, Lee has voluntarily agreed to have his information shared.

      His house number is , post code . Matches what I put on the parcel. 

      EDITED: Removed identifying information. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  11. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Call went well with RM, confirmed the contents and said there shouldn’t be any issue once it’s all checked out. Long as the tank is empty we’re all aces. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  12. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      It’s surprisingly good stock for what you pay for it. With the ML bucking and longer barrel it was shooting around mid-tier AEG ranges comfortably. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  13. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      You have RM info that literally has your address… And you call me thick?

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  14. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Tell your bank that you have proof from Royal Mail that it is with them for inspection and see what the bank says. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  15. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Be sure to tell the bank it’s on its way to you and there was never any scam… 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  16. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      No I’m genuinely asking, what am I to do about them inspecting the parcel? Crack a whip and tell them to hurry it along?

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  17. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      What is there to sort out? It’s being held for inspection… You already know this

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  18. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Then the Royal Mail information that states they are investigating a parcel addressed to you from Ireland is legitimate, yes?


      If I haven’t hacked Royal Mail then obviously the information they have provided you is legitimate…


      So, you have an airsoft package on its way to you, from me, that is currently being searched, yes?


      I’m genuinely at a loss here man, are you not trusting me or are you not trusting Royal Mail? Because myself and Royal Mail are saying the same thing, that you have a parcel on its way. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  19. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Yes I said I would send it and evidently I have otherwise it wouldn’t be under checks with Royal Mail?

      You’re literally getting the gun, and hell even if I wanted to send you money I wouldn’t be able to because A) My bank is locked; and B) My bank has already deducted £350 from me.  I’m hardly going to lose out on £700 AND the gun. You’ve got the Royal Mail evidence, if it turns out that I’m impersonating Royal Mail and controlling their website and call centres then sure start the bank case again, right now there’s literally nothing to say you’ve been scammed. It’s just scummy keeping this up. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  20. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Again, you’re welcome to re-escalate things later, but for right now I need access to my bank, not really appropriate to keep this up when you have proof from Royal Mail that it’s not a scam, you’re stopping me from paying bills or buying food, especially when we don’t know how long they will be with their security checks

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  21. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

  22. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      I would like to think if it was me in your position I would be able to infer that I’m not being scammed from Royal Mail telling me “We have your parcel but we think it has some restricted contents, we’re going to investigate and then send it your way after”. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  23. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      You’ve got the Royal Mail information that it’s under security checks, give it a rest. And as it stands right now, you haven’t paid a penny, because that money has been taken away again.

      Given you’ve had the money refunded to your bank and you have proof that the gun is under security checks en route to your address I’d say you’re in a much better position than I am. 

    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  24. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

    1. SquashyTundra


      Good christ you are such a melt. You literally have Royal Mail evidence that they have it and are performing restricted / prohibited items checks at the National Centre? Get a life man that shit is way beyond my control. Only you could chat with with Royal Mail and be told they’re doing security checks on a gun coming your way and STILL think it’s a scam.



    2. (See 113 other replies to this status update)

  25. Can any 1 help what do I do when I have payed for a gun and not received it.the seller is ignoring me now

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