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Profile Information

  • Guns
    A&k lr300 pump shotgun and a mb02 bolt action sniper
  • Loadouts
    Mtp full military loadout
  • Sites
    Danger close airsoft suffolk
  • Gender
  • Location
    east anglia
  • Interests
    airsoft, fishing, camping, the GREAT OUTDOORS :)

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  1. Bought a kar98k and the hammer slant seem to be hitting the pin if anyone in lowestoft or near by area can help me resolve this problem please please do thanks in advance
  2. calling all gas gun users need help pretty please if you have a g&g kar98k or any c02 kar98k please message me or reply

  3. could anyone help me out in knowing how easy it is to come by tm desert eagel c02 mags as thinking of getting one for my bday thanks in advance

  4. new gun update now have a daytona G36C looking to use it first time this sunday @ danger close airsoft love to see some new faces up there so if your aaround the suffolk area and want to play a uniq cqb site just look us up on facebook dangercloseairsoft :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. tomahawk


      :) im looking forward to using it :D


    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      How / where do you get Daytona gun kits in the UK? M249 looks great

    4. tomahawk


      Imported from the us buddy I can get somemore detiaLs if you like :)

  5. any classic army fn fal about for sale not looking to spend mega bucks as its a project gun would even take one without internals with a few mags maybe :)

  6. thanks buddy ooo tis a bit pricey tho aha
  7. does anybody no if you can put a daytona kit in a amg fn fal as would really like to turn one into a dmr/sniper loadout thanks in advance on any help you guys and girls can give looking to buy a fn fal perff king arms aswell so if any about or you see one please let me no many thanks Tomahawk
  8. Airsoft site in East Anglie, located in Ellough, Beccles From ages 11+ only. Game days are on every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month and we are hoping to run some night games and maybe an extra game or two a month during the summer For more information on game days, prices and any other questions, like the page and you can see posts when they happen and can message the owner Facebook link is: https://www.facebook.com/dangercloseurbanairsoft… Hope to see some new faces on a Sunday
  9. Hi just wondering if getting a gas gun would be worth it as would probably turn into hpa or project gun in the future and recommendations(links) or advice would be greatly appreciated:)
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