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  1. Hi all - I wanted to make you all aware of the trouble I have had in my dealings with Justbbguns.co.uk. I am from a Film Production company and we had been trying to create a specific shot for a client. We had tried to create it using post production techniques but in the end we decided it would be easier to use a real looking gun. So I had a look online and found this 'company'. I ordered a bb pistol and ticked the box saying I was from a production company. They took my money, confirmed my order and that was it. Or so I thought. A few days later I received an email advising me my order was now on hold and to contact them immediately. So I did. But they didn't answer. For 3 days I tried to contact them until finally they responded to one of my emails and told me I had to provide a whole load of documents before I could complete my order. All this despite the fact they had already had my money for 5 days. Anyway by this time it was going to be to too late for the shoot anyway so I said forget it just refund my money. At which point they then said I would have to pay a 20% handling charge to cancel my order. At no point was this pointed out to me and nowhere does it say this on their website. So now I have to wait for the outcome of a claim made through Paypal against these thieves. My advice - DO NOT DEAL WITH THESE CROOKS.
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