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Everything posted by DEEFUNK

  1. I too have been to Olympus and found out it's like what you have said. What I have found out is on a weekday night they only do attack and defend and if you are on the defending team first you find out that the attackers are having a better night. When it's time to change roles people from the attacking team tend to leave. I also did the torch on a bunker trick and got my only torch took of me for a floor. When I was there last a team full of Marshalls and regulars was on one team this gave them a massive advantage. One more point that I didn't like was when we was attacking the floor was timed is this for the Marshalls or for the customers I couldn't tell. No wonder people there are talking about the hive and only go there for a shoot. Having said that it's got a lot of pros but the cons do outweigh.
  2. Around 7pm I'm there next Thursday my name is lee my loadout is all black which don't matter because I could wear white and the other team still wouldn't beable to see me it's that dark
  3. I'm from Ashton and go to Olympus and a Thursday night with 2 of my mates. The hire guns are ok and the staff are good what I would do if I was you is get a torch as it is very dark on all but one of the floors. Been going for a few weeks now and still get lost in the mill. If you want to join our 3 man crew to make it 4 you will be welcome as we are all new to. The only down side at Olympus is that the attack and defend games they run can get unfair to play as when it's the swap over the attacking team leaves so all you have done all night is defend! It's happen twice coupled with the faceted that it's so dark you can't tell if you have hit any of them can get a bit irritating. On a plus side it's free membership (if you go 3times) so you can get a gun quick time! Hope this is helpful.
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