They are at Unit 7, Eldon Way, Hockley, Essex, SS5 4AD, above CJ'S bowling. Opening times are 10am to 10pm Tuesday to Sunday, Closed Monday. It costs £12 for the first hour, £10 for the second hour and £8 for the third and subsequent hours. Hire gun, mask and 2 mags of ammo are included with each hour. I played there Saturday, my guns fps's are to high (they have a 250fps limit) so I used a hire gun, it was an ARX160 by Umarex, I quite liked it.
You can phone and book into a game, the game I joined was in the evening and had a mix of ages from about 13 to 50. There were 18 of us playing and they provided 2 marshals one per team and a member of staff in the safe room. Play was fast paced and very intense I have never experienced anything quite like it. I will definatly be going back, probably next Friday