Haha no problem, and i think ill pass on back garden shooting for now, i let out about 10 shots into the grass just to check it was working and i think ill leave it at that, dont want anybody ringing up the police on me because if they did they could charge me since i do live about 10 metres from the alleyway lol, there is no chance of a bb going through there though, the hedges are approx 10 feet tall and they are holly (As thick as anything) but still, the law wouldnt see it that way, i also live in an estate where there are a lot of children so i think ill be considerate to them, some parents might not like the idea of some nutter shooting some bottles in his back garden haha.
Like i just said, there is very very very little chance of the bbs leaving our area, however the police would still say there is still a chance (Even if it is minuscule) so ill leave it, i fired about 10 shots into the grass to test it was working and its all good so ill leave it at that, the surrounding people would be unlikely to report me if i explained to them since we all get on quite well, but there are plenty of people who walk through the alleyway who are not from around where i live who might be a little uneasy with it, and with me being approx. 10 metres from the alley ill play it safe.
Cheers for the help guys, appreciated.