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  1. Haha no problem, and i think ill pass on back garden shooting for now, i let out about 10 shots into the grass just to check it was working and i think ill leave it at that, dont want anybody ringing up the police on me because if they did they could charge me since i do live about 10 metres from the alleyway lol, there is no chance of a bb going through there though, the hedges are approx 10 feet tall and they are holly (As thick as anything) but still, the law wouldnt see it that way, i also live in an estate where there are a lot of children so i think ill be considerate to them, some parents might not like the idea of some nutter shooting some bottles in his back garden haha. Like i just said, there is very very very little chance of the bbs leaving our area, however the police would still say there is still a chance (Even if it is minuscule) so ill leave it, i fired about 10 shots into the grass to test it was working and its all good so ill leave it at that, the surrounding people would be unlikely to report me if i explained to them since we all get on quite well, but there are plenty of people who walk through the alleyway who are not from around where i live who might be a little uneasy with it, and with me being approx. 10 metres from the alley ill play it safe. Cheers for the help guys, appreciated.
  2. I think ill just leave back garden shooting, im not too bothered about the neighbors since i get on with them quite well and they would understand if i told them, also im not the type to be annoying, if i did shoot it would only be for 5 minutes a day, shed target shooting lol. Im more worried about the Public footpath/Alleyway, whilst they cannot see onto the garden through it, im sure the sound might attract some attention, i think ill just play it safe and shoot at a registered site. Maybe if i got in touch with the police and asked about it they could give me a definate answer? Police round where i live seem to be all down to earth and ok, that being said, ive never been on the wrong side of them ;p
  3. Well, it arrived and im very happy with it, fired a few shots at some cans and it feels really good, very happy with the purchase, i agree with the battery post though, its a bit tough to get in but its sorted for now! Bit of advice needed though, i live next to an alley and the law states you have to be 15 meters away from a public highway to use airsoft guns, does a small alley count as a public highway? We are surrounded by hedges exceeding 8Feet, if not higher, i mean i want to fire a few shots up to the top of my garden, but i dont really want to break the law, could somebody clear this up for me?
  4. They reccomend this battery> http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=ZOBAT8C2 Seems pretty good...2200mAh 8.4v I think that would be enough for one day airsofting as long as i dont go crazy on the firing, Could i use this charger with this battery? If so ill click the buy button i think . Charger> http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=2656
  5. Its too late for my friend, hes already bought it , but he has a spare i guess. Thanks anyway. I have one last question (Or a couple of questions). I've made my decision and im buying this gun final. > http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268&products_id=5774 Now a couple of questions, it doesnt mention a charger, so do i need to buy one? And if so which one will i need? Also, would i need another battery since its 2200MAh, would it last me a full day of airsofting, im not the spray and pray type . Anything else i will need with this gun apart from a charger? Would another battery pack be essential for the gun to last a full day? Thanks.
  6. Hi, My freind purchased this for his first airsoft, whilst im not considering this gun will it be any good for him? I suggested getting some extra batteries because of the low charge. He seems to think its pretty good and it would be worth me getting, im still leaning towards the one i posted above or another M4 around the £120 mark. http://www.justbbguns.co.uk/product/517/2-TONE-BB-GUNS/338/ELECTRIC-GUNS/3004/M4-PROJECT-Z-AEG
  7. Unfortunately i think UKARA is out of the question since im 17 until july (When i will apply) so it will have to be 2 toned. Well. im off to get some sleep now, thanks for the advice, i think ill buy the one listed above in my post. I have a budget of about 110-130 pounds if anybody wants to make any other suggestions, but thanks guys for the advice on the original guns, its appreciated.
  8. Took your advice and i am now thinking of getting this maybe? Will have to trade in a few xbox games though, a sacrifice im willing to make http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318&products_id=5774
  9. Hello, Just starting airsoft as a hobby after trying both and deciding i prefer airsoft over paintball (I dont know why) Anyway i decided to get myself a gun etc and i am torn between two guns, ill post both links, i am leaning between the G36 Myself but i am not sure. G36- https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/Blackviper-G36-AEG-Full-auto-Airsoft-BB-Gun-.html M4- https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/Blackviper-B3814-M4-fully-auto-Airsoft-gun-in-clear.html Also, should i buy additional battery packs with these guns? Im not sure what battery packs they come with however im not sure how long they last overall. Other recommendations are welcome too if im making a massive mistake and being conned Cheers.
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