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Everything posted by redtopol

  1. bb guns for less sells a cheap unreliable but realistic ak-12
  2. due to the lose delivery of my new g-36 i would like people to post pics of there own g-36s
  3. ASG SLV36 this gun is essentially a jg g-36 but is licensed with H&K trademarks (like most ASG guns) you can upgrade this with many parts including systema and Tm parts the src version does have a gen3 gearbox but lacks the build quality and trade marks which give it its authentic feel also the src g-36 is 159£ (depending where you buy it) whereas the ASG version is 130£ at socom tactical and most other retailers
  4. the asg slv36 has a good selection of parts to choose it can also accept most upgrade parts (even systema!) i recommend using asg ultimate parts such as motor and hop ups i am planning to put a tight bore barrel (probably the madbull python)in later to increase the fps and accuracy. this gun is available on socom tactical for £129 the retailer also sells almost all asg upgrade parts
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