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  • Guns
    -M14 CYMA DMR
    -Scar DBoys
    -P226 E2 Marui
  • Sites
    La Fábrica M.A.C.
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    Spain, Madrid

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  1. Hi again guys! It´s been a long jurney, but like i promise, im here to tell the end of my story . I could buy the BFD from UK and they do not even ask me for UKARA number or anything. The order was made, and the grenades arrives in spain with no problems. So I want to thank you all for your patience answering my question (even the crazy ones ). I attach a photo of last weekend game ^^ best regards!
  2. Thanks for telling me. If its illegal I will definetly not ask anyone to do that, and sorry if the question was "offensive". Then my next step (following your advice), is going to be sending emails to the retailers and see what kind of "forms" do they need. By the way, thank you, not only for the information, also for the new links of retailers which sells this kind of items. I will let you know how this story continue in case anyone in the future needs this information
  3. Thanks for the answers, im learning a lot of UK airsoft legislation in one day. In Spain we dont have any kind of restriction buying airsoft/blank firing devices stuff (just beeing 18+). Airsoft is not even "regulated", its legal, but its not still considered as anything...for the goberment we are just like nerd people collecting military stuff. I wish one day we could create some kind of federation/asociation or something beacuse the Airsoft is a very extended "non-considered-sport" in the country. The problem comes when you try to put two spaniards in common ideas... Anyway, focusing in the main topic. My brother is not part of the UKARA, he is not even an airsoft player. But, for example the VTG for UK people is 65 pounds, and 100 Pounds for international orders...so thats the reason (its a big difference) I was looking after UK people. I dont know if this a is a good question, if so, please tell me in order to no commit the same mistake 2 times. Can I ask a UKARA player to make the order for me? (obviusly with a bit of commision), or thats illegal? [edit] (Looking at the OShiBoom page...I like that grenades... i wish I could convince the rest of the team of hiring it...)
  4. Thats an option I didn´t knew about. I like it, its going to be my last chance in case the VTG page doesnt work. Thanks man! Im going to try to make an order to London (My brother lives there). And im going to see if its more profitable to tell him to send back to me. Or just make the order directly to me in Spain. Thanks guys! your are amazing.
  5. Hi there! I´m Germán (not from germany), I belong to a Spanish airsoft team called "Comando Grayskull". I´m presentating myself because some teammates (from this spanish forum http://www.airsoftmadrid.com/) and I we were trying to get the "VTG grenade" (from this place http://www.blankfiringgrenade.com), and as I am the only one able to understand english I have to make the international search. So at the end I get to this forum which seems to be one of the biggest airsoft forum in UK, and I was wondering if you could help us at least explaining me this message: ""18+ ONLY AND MUST BE AN ACTIVE AIRSOFT PLAYERS UNDER THE VCR BILL CRITERIA"" Is there any kind of United Kindom legislation to prove "actives" airsoft players? I will be very glad if you could help us, by the way, im searching in your "technical" part as I love learning new ways of optimizing my airsoft stuff with tecniques I still dont know. I hope I didnt break any rule with this post, and if so, my apologies and close it if I did it (I think I understand all the rules in the pinned-rules-post). Thanks very much for your time. I attach a video of a big fail in my team and a photo of us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9Cfgh5uiGg&list=UUagvzG9dHutVCqmpXX2W6Mg
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