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Everything posted by blazin23

  1. Getting back into this again now - I don't think anyone responded - so could anyone confirm if it is just me being stupid, but the 370mm 6.03mm Laylax Prometheus barrel does NOT fit the stock TM hop rubber? I have seen other people mentioning using the 370mm barrel with the stock rubber, but the metal lip of the barrel extends slightly further than the stock one, so I can't see how a stock rubber would fit here? Is the the Modify Tan bucking a good alternative?
  2. I got the Laylax(Prometheus) 6.03mm (370mm) EG Inner Barrel https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/laylaxprometheus-603mm-370mm-eg-inner-barrel-for-m4a1-mws recently and discovered the TM hop rubber doesn't actually fit on it (the barrel 'lip' is a bit longer than the standard one). Can anyone recommend a hop rubber that is longer and will fit? I have the laylax hop arm as well so aiming to use heavier weight bbs
  3. With the Laylax hop arm (replaces the original nub with a solid surface) it has hopped .4s reasonably well at a previous skirmish. But I did try it with the hop all the way down and the issue persisted (plus it worked fine in this configuration previously). Just annoying it was shooting the .36s like a laser yesterday at home and then today it has been troublesome
  4. Nozzle looks fine, hop rubber is the stock TM one and looks in tact (no tearing or anything). Any recommendation on what gun grease/lube to use? I need to get some anyway
  5. So I spent a few hours yesterday dialing in my hop (got the Laylax hop arm, everything else stock) on my MTR-16. It was shooting .36s fine. Then today at a skirmish in typical airsoft fashion it decided to start playing up - it looked and sounded like it was firing correctly, but only 1 in 5 shots would actually come out of the barrel. It seemed that about 4 or 5 bbs would get stuck in the barrel before they all rolled out. I tried turning the hop off all the way - didn’t change anything. Tried putting it back on - again no difference. Also tried some different gas (144a, green, red) and the issue persisted with them all. Any idea what has gone wrong? The barrel is clear and the hop rubber looks intact
  6. Perfect thanks, I went with the Laylax short (4") outer barrel base and some outer barrel extensions. And got the Madbull 9.5" MK18 rail all coming tomorrow so fingers crossed it all goes together okay!
  7. Okay so after a few more hours googling I have settled on the following: This - https://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/5998/s/laylax-f-factory-m4-mws-outer-barrel-base-for-m4-gas-machine-gun-series/ and some outer barrel extensions would be the most modular so I could decide what length to run Or this https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/dytac-mil-spec-145-carbine-outer-barrel-for-marui-mws-gbb-m4--clones-black And if I use either or those 2 outer barrels, then I don't need any other kind of spacer or adapter for a normal AEG m4 rail to fit?
  8. Hello all - just became the proud owner of an MTR16 - all stock aside from the Laylax strike hop arm, which was easily hopping .4s when I skirmished it yesterday. I would like to swap out the rail to a shorter one - I bought the gun used and the previous owner had taken the rail off before, so the hard bit is done (heat gun to the melt the glue on the gas block etc). I took it apart to install the new hop arm and it was a breeze. So on to my question - can anyone recommend a cheap-ish 12-14" (MLOK or MK18 style preferred) handguard and outer barrel that will fit without any machining? Budget would be £200ish for it all if possible. I have read that I will also need a delta ring? I have seen a few outer barrels on Fire Support, but would like to confirm what exactly will fit before buying it
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