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G&P 552 vs 553

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  • 1 month later...
The 553 uses qd mounts.

Either way, g&p eotechs are basically cheap China rebrands- save money and get a cheaper one or buy a hurricane one

But G&P Scope have QC. If have the china one is more trouble. Hurricane one , it is the expensive toys for me. Hurricane one price I can get two G&P

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I know but having had a g&p and used a fair few of them, there is not much difference between them and cheap China ones. They ghost surprisingly a lot too and surprisingly for g&p the qc isn't great- and that's coming from a very big g&p fan.

The hurricane is the only actual holographic airsoft eotech too, the others are merely red dots, yes they're expensive but is rather get a good one or buy a cheap one, no point overspending on a g&p

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