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TM M4/AR15/XM177E2

TM M4/AR15/XM177E2


  • Price £220
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Gun/Model: XM177E2, Systema upgrade by FS, CA metal front end, quick sling attachement, G&P crane stock, wired to rear also by FS, mag grip. With all the enhancements this is a really sturdy AEG
Accessories: spare mags, dot sight and dot sight rail, no batts. old spring. orignal box and manual. Motor changed from EG700 to 1000. collection of spares i found (last pic added), original Front end, lower TMH, gears motor and the systema packaging etc, found another dove tail attachment as well
Condition: v good/excellent - The Lower /TMH was changed for the AR15 TMH due to a crack hence AR15 body, if i can find the orignal I will include.
FPS: 328 last
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: no
Price/Payment: £220, +P&P (will work to accomodate your requests to courier on what you feel is best, suggest DP Local and happy to accomodate times
Pictures: below pictures showing everything included

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    Comes with spare original stock, mags as pictured with spot sight and both types of rails-NO BATTERIES , all as pictured

- United Kingdom

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