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2 rifs and box of bits

2 rifs and box of bits


  • Price £150
1 Offer
1 Question


Selling as a job lot cba to fix its a box of random bits and enough to make two rifs except one needs rewiring in the box there is all sorts and mostly high spec gear or real steal like the gemtech rails or magpul stock and other bits like barrel nuts and outer/inner barrels one madbull barrel and a prowin hop unit enough bits and bobs to make two complete rifs and change the furntiture as 5ish times in all the box is probs worth 200 quid on bits and 250 with the rifs so its a steal at 150 quid want to get rid off it all in one go and can provide more details on request not willing to split for time being unless offered a good price. The classic army rif works perfectly fine and is probs worth 175 quid so tgis box is a steal 


  • Make
    Ares/classic army
  • Model
  • FPS
    Not a clue
  • Accessories

- United Kingdom

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