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Massive Evo package.

Massive Evo package.


  • Price £600
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Here is my Scorpion Evo pre 2018.


It has been my go to RIF since I bought it.

I have put a lot of money I to this gun, and the list is massive.


Come with everything in the picture.

Pre 2018 Scorpion Evo.

Fully upgraded Internally (not the barrel).

Extra 3d printed handguard.

Original handguard.

Original Stock with airtech studios stabiliser.

Zukov Stock.

Madbull ace light stock.

ASG stock adaptor.

10x mid cap mags.

Surefire torch (repro).

Red Dot Sight.

Xcortech xt301 tracer unit.

18mm CCW suppressor.

3d printed 18mm sound hog.

Original flash hider.

FN FAL flash hider.

3d printed hand stop.

Magwell grip for pressure pad.

18mm to 14mm adaptor.

Black adonised trigger.


Spare upgrade parts.



Piston head.

Cylinder Head.

Ultimate 3000rpm short shaft motor.


WOW, now you've got through that, we'll get down to the important bit.


I've spent over £900 on this.

I'm asking £600, I'll cover postage, you cover PayPal fees.


There are sooo many variations you can build this RIF you'll never get bored.


I'm selling as it very rarely comes out of my armoury and a reduction in wages forces me to sell.







  • Make
  • Model
    Scorpion Evo pre 2018
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    As listed


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