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Marui Next gen Ebbr M4 socom package

Marui Next gen Ebbr M4 socom package


  • Price £295
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Make: Tokyo Marui
Gun/Model: M4A1 Sopmod
Accessories: 3 midcaps, 1high cap, vertical grip
Condition: Used
FPS: 280
Splits/Swaps/Part Exchange: N/N/N
Price/Payment: £295 all in (postage and PayPal)

Here we have this amazing toy, well known for her performances icon_wink.gif

It has been disabled to zero and rebuild again. Cleaned, greased, shimmed, checked the air group, all tight, no wobble.

Let me list down here what it has:
- silicone wires
- option no. 1 kit installed to allow the use normal batteries ( you get all the stock parts if you want it back like new)
- Magpul sling swivel ( you get original one in a bag)
- Magpul vertical grip
- stippled pistol grip. I've cut the finger groove as is not natural in the ergonomics. The pistol grip has a small bit missing ( how the f___ that happened) icon_frown.gif that doesn't affect the use, only the look ( if you like perfection)
- Rhop installed = amazing range with the stock speed. I don't tell you the range as you will say I lie.
- custom battle worn paint. Is not Tan as in UK we have more green. So I've mixed a sort of OD, RG, black. If is to much for your wish I can remove some more. But not all, as is a pain to do it.
- 3 midcaps and 1 hicap all TM original.
The last pictures are the actual ones with more black


  • Make
    Tokio Marui
  • Model
    M4A1 socom
  • FPS


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