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ODIN Systems UK custom chest rig

ODIN Systems UK custom chest rig


  • Price £80
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Odin Systems (UK real steel) custom chest rig; "that particular rig was manufactured to a UKs unit specification and not sold directly to end users" (as seen in the screenshot from ODIN). I originally bought it thinking it was a WAS Falcon chest rig but struck gold I suppose! Anyway, time has come for me to sell as I don't plan on running a 5.56 any time soon, which is what this rig is designed for. 4 pouches on the front, 4 pouches just behind (with bungee retention, can hold 8x M4 mags) and a massive Velcro sealed storage compartment behind that (spans the length of the chest rig). There's also velcro on the back (with a multicam cover) in case you wanted to attach a drop down utility pouch (I used to use a WAS one). Looking for £80 as I simply just need to buy a SCAR H appropriate rig.

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