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  • Price £450
1 Question


here is my Tokyo Marui 417 NGRS


bought this a few moths ago with the intention of turning it into a DMR however due to work/personal commitments I have lost interest and its been sitting in the box for the last couple of months doing nothing.

the gun has been taken to a game day once for chrono'ing and adjusting the Hop, the RIF is literally new with less than 200 rds cycled through it, Sam at KOF can confirm this as the Rif was inspected by him when I bought it.


1-standard tm Mag , no box but if full price meet up ill throw in the VFC short rail as well, the rif is still standard other than dean conversion.


Buyer to pay postage

any questions let me know.



  • Make
    Tokyo Marui
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    FVC rail if full price is met

Brechin, Angus - United Kingdom

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