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ICS L86 'A1' AEG

ICS L86 'A1' AEG


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I acquired this L86 in a swap a few years ago and it's been tucked away in the garage ever since.


ICS L86A2 with A1 cocking handle grafted on.

Wired to Deans.

One ICS hicap.

The glass inside the SUSAT was shot out, so it's just a (heavy) tube now.

Around 320 fps.


Picky with magazines, doesn't like my ares mids, but seems to fire fine on hicaps. 

Rate of fire is a little slow, so this Rif needs some love.


It's old, it's been used and abused by previous owner(s), but it's still going.



Includes PayPal fees but postage is extra.


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    Hicap, dummy sight

- United Kingdom

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