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AA Taran Tactical JW2 Glock 34

AA Taran Tactical JW2 Glock 34


  • Price £90 Shipment cost 5 GBP
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Hey hi hello


I got this as part of a bulk trade and as much of a John Wick fanboy as I am, its just not my aesthetic or style.


I believe its an Army Armament model, so not one of the super bougie brands meaning its not got any fancy protective coating on the shiny gold bits. I cant see any marks on it as of yet but they might come with use down the road. It retailed for £200 ish i think? but in my opinion is definitely not worth that much as is.


Its been a while since I've held a glock of any kind but its definitely much lighter than I remember my WE Glock 17 to have been. 


Cycles and shoots completely fine, has the raised sights, and a mounting point for a pistol optic.


My one and only complaint with this gun is that the recoil spring sounds a bit cheap and nasty when manually operated and it deserves a nicer replacement spring. It sounds more akin to a cheap Vorsk glock or something. 

When shooting its not as noticeable but I have to admit it does take some of the appeal of a gucci looking badass pistol away and whenever I rack the slide it leaves me making the same grimacing expression my last girlfriend used to make every time I said that I loved her.


Comes with one gas tight standard green gas glock mag and an after market (i think) basic plastic flared magwell bit. 


Happy to provide pics or vids and chrono results but bare in mind this icy cold weather right now could have an effect on the results. 


  • Make
  • Model
    TTI G34
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    1 mag

Mexborough, South Yorkshire - United Kingdom

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