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so got my WE MP7 its got sighs of lots of use its been used for just fun in the garden so not been used in a game, the gun works and has a high FPS but it fires on safe (sometimes) and the hop doesn't work, (from what i can tell) and the lock when empty dosn't work with this mag (hence the X on the mag) as far as i know the mag DOSE NOT hold gas, i don't have gas to test this but im sure its just a O-ring issue apart from that it dose fire and has a hard kick, its a fun little shoot in the garden kinda gun but if you can get get it working then all power to you, ideally looking for 100 quid with 10 post as im looking to fund other projects any questions feel free to ask!


but please note this gun has issues and IS NOT FOR GAME USE


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- United Kingdom

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