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We m1a1 GBBR Custom Thompson

We m1a1 GBBR Custom Thompson


1 Offer
1 Question


Hello Chaps 


I Am looking to sell my pride and joy RIF !!! I have had this maybe 4 years. And can honestly say it is the best gbbr I have ever played with in terms of realism. 

As you can see it has professional treated wood furniture on it l, with a light weathering finish across the metal. 

Colour changed bolt, fg restricted disc so fires under 350 fps, also shoots like a lazer !!! 


5 large gas tight magazines 

1 20 round gad magazine 

A real Thompson sling and carry case 


I would swap this for either a VFC GBBR FAL but not really another else 


Price includes recorded postage but not PayPal fees or you can come collect it from worcester 




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