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Through no fault of its own this poor CYMA M14 socom has found itself needing a new home.

Its heartless owner has been seduced by an HPA system and now finds itself in its box all day getting no attention. Can you be the person to give it the love it truly deserves?


This is my CYMA M14 socom

skirmished once so in great condition, it was the only non Russian gun I owned and I have always wanted one so here you are.

Unfortunately I used an HPA system that day and that's all I use now.


This gun is in great condition, boxed and has had the following mods


shoots consistently at 345fps


replaced the plastic cylinder head and nozzle with the green CNC aluminium SHS double oring cylinder head and matching SHS oring alloy nozzle. (Will supply originals also). 

New piston oring and aoe checked. Really consistent fps now due to the above mods


new flat hop bucking with s-hop and bridge nub, I use .28 but can hop much heavier 


gate pico mosfet fitted with new silicon coated heavier gauge wiring to lower resistance, better trigger response and saves contacts with lipo use


connectors are xt-60 but will supply an adapter for deans or mini tamiya whichever you prefer to charge the battery




In box 

comes with

2 mid-cap magazines

2 hi-cap magazines

double mag pouch, pistol mag combo in multi cam


choice of batteries, Nicad that comes with the gun is included,

you can then have stick 11.1v lipo for snappy response and higher rate of fire (but increased wear and tear)

OR a massive 3300  mah 7.4 lipo that fits easily in the stock that I would use and will last all day and is still snappy on the trigger


Dont need or want to sell this but as its too good to leave in the box someone should get to have fun with this as with .28 bbs it will give any sub 350 fps gun a run for its money when range is concerned,

save yourself the cost of tinkering, this is good to go


Price is complete including PayPal and postage


UK buyers only












  • Make
  • Model
    M14 SOCOM
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    2 hicap, 2 mid caps, lipo, magazine pouch

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