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CYMA G36 - Negative Airsoft Upgraded

CYMA G36 - Negative Airsoft Upgraded


  • Price £225 Shipment cost 0 GBP
1 Offer
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Hi All,

Purchased around a year ago as I've always wanted to have a go with a G36, but hardly used as me and the step-lad only play around once a month and I prefer the drop stock on my SSG-1.

Was never a fan of the Version 3 gearbox, so a Perun V3 mosfet was fitted and made a world of difference.

Negative Airsoft also did all sorts of shennanigans inside the gearbox to make it super reliable including fitting a limiter to the trigger so you don't have to pull it very far.

Shoots straight and consistently at around 345 fps on 0.2's.

Includes an 11.1v Lipo, two mid-cap mags (both have broken external tabs that lock the two mags together) and one hi-cap mag.

I only sell things that are in full working order - anyone that's ever bought anything from me can testify to that.

There's a bit of wear to the fire selector graphics on the casing, but other than that, it's in great condition and is ready to rock'n'roll.

Thanks for looking.

Will post for free.


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Lipo + 2 x Mid Cap Mags + 1 x High Cap Mag

Rossendale, Lancashire - United Kingdom

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