Great starter bundle
Great starter bundle
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Here I have for sale a traditional American forces M4A1 style AEG in full metal made by double bell.
In mint condition
This AEG comes with
Scope, (red dot)will add batteries
full sized black rifle bag,
a unjamming/cleaning rod,
high cap metal magazine
3 mid cap metal magazine 2 with mag pulls
1 x 1400mah LiPo battery n
nurpol smart charger
2 full bottles of bbs
Bb loader
Green gas
Peq box with tail switch (torch n lazer ) can do lazer or torch or both same switch will add batteries
Cyber gun deset eagle mint condition with 1 green gas tight mag
Nice sturdy holster
Everything you need to get playing at a skirmish.
Only used a handful a times! Shoots great ! Very accurate and goes the distance when using 0.28s.
Fully working with no issues. Mechanically sound. A few cosmetics paint chips on handguard but nothing crazy.
Can provide more photos and videos for on request.
Collect preferably but can PayPal n post
Will throw in a balaclava n glasses
Double bell/cybergun
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