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Reason: Sold

Job lot of Airsoft guns, gear and more

Job lot of Airsoft guns, gear and more


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  • Type of Advert For sale
  • Item Condition Used
  • Time Left This advert is COMPLETED!
  • Quantity 1
  • Price £500
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1 Question


I have inherited all the attached pictures. I've been out of Airsoft myself for many years so I'm not sure what it all is or what it's worth, sorry. 


I'd strongly prefer to sell it all as a single bundle. 


Collection Cambridge or could meet locally within reason. 


UKARA to be checked prior to purchase. Thanks. 


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Everything in the pictures

Cambridge - United Kingdom

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Hey bud, sorry for your loss, given that your new & a couple of the items are quite desirable, could you put a picture up of the m1 & rpk together,  & include a piece of paper with your username & today's date handwritten on it, there's been a bit of a problem with scammers & new guy posts that purport to not knowing the true value of what their selling are also big red flags.

To that end, forum rules state everything has to have a value, I get that you've been out of the game so will struggle to price everything,  you can either put up a new thread in the appraisals section & get advice on items individually,  or alternatively add an "all in bulk buy" price to this thread, in the region of what your hoping for.

Good luck


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