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Reluctant sale but the bills are just getting more expensive :(

Not getting to go airsofting much lately so this is turning into more of a wall hanger so needs to be enjoyed. 

WE MP5SD is an absolutely lovely gun to use. 

I'll start off with the bad stuff which is mainly the paint is chipping on the charging handle (yes I've HK slapped it many times), the stock rods from sliding in and out. The trigger is slightly chipping too, lever mag release, magwell and the mags themselves from inserting. On the suppressor too where I've taped a torch to. 

One of the 5 mags is leaking. 

I don't have the original box but will give a smg size hard case. 

This is completely stock as I've used them mainly for cqb at the Gaol and the Department and didn't feel the need for any upgrades. Fitted with NPAS to keep within 350 fps limits. Claw mount for optics. 


The WE MP5SD will come with - 

3x closed front mags 

1x open front mag 

1x closed front mag which is leaking 

1x Spare Bolt

1x uninstall NPAS 


Unfortunately I'm going to do collection only on this. Don't want it to get lost in transport plus if you collect you can test the gun out to make sure you're happy. 

Not looking for any trade this moment. 


  • Make
  • Model
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    4 leak free mags. 1 leaky mags. Claw mount. Hard case.

Kettering, Northamptonshire - United Kingdom

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