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A&K M60 HMG MK43 ***Price drop***

A&K M60 HMG MK43 ***Price drop***


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** reduced to 295 plus shipping** 

Not sure where to start with this, and really just testing the waters as not in a hurry to sell.


this is a solid and chunky bit of kit with lots of steel.


it weighs in at around 7kg according to spec, so it’s not for running around a tight CQB site


its well looked after and recently serviced, box mag is perfect and there is a spare length of spring feeding tube to go with it.


this has adjustable rate of fire, a quick change spring, is wired to deans 


full auto only, and is a proper support gun get yourself in a bunker or tower and pull the trigger, untill its  empty….reload and repeat 


will be posted in the original box using parcel force 48 at a cost of £15 including packing materials 


reason for sale, bought recently by a mate and  it just won’t get used as much as he though it might


only known issues is that one leg of the bipod has lost the roll pin, - pennies from screwfix to replace and this will be done before shipping if it’s an issue - I might even have one lying about to do it right away 


  • Make
  • Model
    Mk 43 (M60)
  • FPS
    Any - QC SPRING
  • Accessories
    Electric box mag

- United Kingdom

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