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KWA Magpul PTS FPG Full Version

KWA Magpul PTS FPG Full Version


1 Offer
0 Questions


Please note: This is the KWA Mapul Kit that was converted into the full gun (using innards of a KWC Glock 18c).


Comes with the following installed:


  • Shooters Design Long Barrel Set For KSC Glock 18C
  • Shooters Design Reinforced Part 10 for KSC Glock
  • KSC-Metal Slide-G18C


Also x1 Extended 49rnd magazine with FPG logo base-plate - (No leaks whatsoever)


This was one of two kits that I had that I was going to convert to the full gun. The other kit I did not get round to converting so sold it on eBay (the original ad is here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303098721978?ul_noapp=true)


I'm now selling the kit that I did convert to the full gun. It is in excellent condition and comes in its original box.


Reason for selling?

I emigrated to central Europe around two years ago and am now in the midst of building a house. Basically everything single thing I own but do not use needs to go to help finance our build. This includes many things I had absolutely no intention of selling including the FPG kit I sold on eBay and now this full version. 


Shipping Costs?

Not 100% what this will be but as a guideline, when I sold my kit on eBay it was to a UK based player. Shipping from Slovakia to UK was approximately £15.00 (€16.00). This full FPG version is heaver than the kit but I estimate shipping costs to be around the same price. 



NOTICE: As per the UK Airsoft Forums Classified rules, whatever country/state you are living in, please ensure you are legally able to purchase this airsoft gun before submitting an offer. If you are not legally able to purchase this weapon then I'm afraid I cannot sell it to you. Link to forums rules here: https://airsoft-forums.uk/topic/15171-classifieds-rules/



Thank you








  • Make
  • Model
    Magpul FPG
  • FPS

Kosice, Kosice - Slovakia

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