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Krytac Kriss Vector AEG

Krytac Kriss Vector AEG


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Full transparency, had 1 game and never used it since... hence the rusting of front 2 rail pins. It also has a bird cage flash hider installed instead of the original. Other than that, it's the normal sturdy and robust Krytac spec.


Reason I'm selling is to fund for holiday otherwise I'd keep it. It's astonishing on the field, unfortunately it's always been a back up that never gets mained. Hence making the tearjerking decision of getting rid off.


Gun comes with: 
- 3 midcaps
- Coffee mag pouch
- Spare tracer suppressor (requires AAA batteries inside)
- 1 Crazepony 1200 mAh, 25c, 11.1 lipo battery
- 1 spare spring (GA 007 002)
- 1 spare motor (unknown)
- 1 can of 3300, ASG branded 0.2gram bbs
- 1 Nuprol lipo charger


Price includes postage and PayPal business fees. 


Feel free to WhatsApp me on 07476294321


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