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Jg g3


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Got this second hand a while ago and used it as my first attempt at upgrading a rifle originally built it into a dmr and it shot beautifully but sounded quite loud and a little grindy. I Took it apart and put it back together a few times with different shimming  but couldn't get rid of it entirely. Because of that its been gathering dust and hasnt been fired very much at all. I did take it apart again to put in a softer spring and reinstall the selector plate but other than that it hasnt been touched recently 

Here is what I put in it

Zci 6.02 stainless barrel 
maple leaf rubber 

zci 1 piece stainless cylinder and cylinder head

shs 15 tooth piston and piston head

zci v2 high torque motor long type

Zci rotary hop unit (The bottom of it has been heavily modified to fit but I havent had any feeding issues since completing the modifications. )

Zci alminium 21.3 nozzle

zci advanced internal bearing 13-1 gear set 

zci tappet plate 

Gate warfet


Has also had a classic army clubfoot stock put on it

When I took it apart to put back in the full auto parts I saw no major damage to anything but test firing it after it did still sound noisy though it still shoots great. 

Comes with 10 king arms plastic midcaps, 1x jg metal high cap 1x tokyo marui psg 1 magazine (I know I have a second somewhere. Ill find it before posting) 

and a spare front sight assembly as the original has been cut off and rounded over to mimic the psg 1 


Price includes paypal fees and postage


Would be interested in part trading for a tm gbb akm but otherwise not interested in trades 


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