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LCT PP-19-01 SMG + 13 mags & Railed Front End

LCT PP-19-01 SMG + 13 mags & Railed Front End


  • Price £320
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LCT PP-19-01 SMG

Basically an AK74 but chambered for 9×19.

Very nice weighty and solid rifle, chronoed last at about 335FPS on 0.2g bb’s. Runs on 11.1 lipo wired to deans (none included as it shares the same batteries as my ASG scorpion) 

Bought about 3 months ago from a good friend to use at a milsim event, I was told it has some mosfet in it along with other electrical work, which given the trigger response and rate of fire seems to be a fair summation, but I cannot be certain.

The four mags with beige tape are 90/100 round mags and the green tapes mags are 50 round mid caps. Comes with railed front end (as shown) along with the original smooth plastic front end, the plastic appears to have been drilled to take a rail on the past.


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  • Accessories
    Railed front end, picatinny rail clips, magpul copy sling clip

Alcester, Warwickshire - United Kingdom

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