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PPS Mosin Nagant "Obrez" one-off custom build with help from Showguns!

PPS Mosin Nagant "Obrez" one-off custom build with help from Showguns!


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Are you a fan of Battlefield 1? Then you've probably seen this!

Here is a very special piece from history! With the Mosin Nagant widely available to eastern European civilians around WW1, rifles were being confiscated as armies invaded so civilians needed a way to hide there guns....shorten them! This is a Mosin Nagant "Obrez", a heavily cut down rifle for concealment. Must have been a pain to shoot back in the day though!


This is an exact replica of a variant of the Obrez, with most work done by the famous Showguns in Hong Kong. A one-off, you wont find this anywhere else! Based of a PPS Mosin Nagant, it operates fine, just dont expect good performance since the barrel isn't longer that an inch!


The rest of the piece has been professionally weathered and looks just gorgeous, this really is a chance to own a unique piece of history. Comes with a hardcase that fits it perfectly.


Featured on the USAirsoft channel, achieving a Number 2 spot on top custom pistol builds! (Skip to 25:17)




  • Make
  • Model
    Mosin Nagant "Obrez"
  • FPS

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