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A&K M870 Tactical - Boneyard

A&K M870 Tactical - Boneyard


  • Price £25 Shipment cost 0 GBP
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Hey hi and hello

Bought this as a boneyard gun from a fellow AFUK user with the intention of trying the furniture on my Tanaka. It did not fit sadly. 
So selling it back on - however I have stolen the top rail as it looked like I could modify a mount to suit my other needs so it is now slightly less tactical than its named would imply. 

The issue with it is that it seems to be jammed shut - there's no give to one of the pump arms/guides/whatever you call them so it can't be cock and cycled. 
No idea if this issue is fixable or not, but it makes for a nice weighty prop, or as a parts donor for another A&K shotgun perhaps. (The stock and grip on this is very nice, although a bit rattle-y, and I am very sad I can't use it for the Tanaka)

NOTE: Does not include magazine. Never had the intention of fixing or firing it so cut a deal with previous owner to exclude mags from his sale to me so he could make some more dosh elsewhere with 'em.

Listed price includes postage and paypal fees.


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Mexborough, South Yorkshire - United Kingdom

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