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Cybergun Mk46 / M249 featherweight

Cybergun Mk46 / M249 featherweight


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It started off life as a Cybergun Mk46, then I changed the hanguard to an early M249 one that fits more securely, a shorter flash hider again from a Mk1 M249 and also swapped the Mk46 stock for the para style stock bought from BespokeAirsoft. 


It has a working box mag supplied, and the only con is that one of the stock pins does not have a nut on the end, but new pin sets can be bought, I just haven't replaced yet I as I haven't actually ever fielded the 249, just taken it along to get Chrono'd.


I would happily entertain any swaps as well


Due to the size of the gun, I'd much prefer to have it collected in person, from Dorset, but if absolutely necessary shipping can be arranged for extra


  • Make
  • Model
    Mk46 / M249
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    1x Box mag

, Dorset

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