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Agency bundle of TM G19

Agency bundle of TM G19


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This particular Glock 19 is made by TM and upgrade with Gus modify licensed Agency slide kit (£200) and cowcow technology trigger, hammer set kit.

Upgraded with:

1. Gunsmodify G19 Guns Modify slide kit.

2. Cowcow technology flat adjustable trigger

3. Full Cowcow technology hammer set

4. RWA agency mag well

5. Original grip with custom agency stippling


This bundle also includes:

1. Nuprol guns case

2. TM original G19 mags*3


In general, this is a pretty high end Glock with original costs more than £550 in total. The TM system ensures hard kit and reliable gas efficiency, while the cowcow trigger and hammer set provides the one of the best trigger response can be achieved by airsoft. Be aware that this custom Glock is not the Agency RWA g17, instead its slide is made of high quality aluminum with premium coating, you can feel the difference immediately when you get your hands on it.


Looking for £250 (whole bundle) with postage and PayPal fee covered.


My WhatsApp is 07422634650.


  • Make
    Tokyo Marui
  • Model
    Glock 19
  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Extra mags, gun case

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