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WE MP5K Apache GBB

WE MP5K Apache GBB


1 Offer
0 Questions


Bought this from a collector but never got round to using it.


There were a couple of these available in the UK around 2015-2016 ish but otherwise they're rarely produced and even more rare to find in the UK. Kyairsoft unfortunately has false stock info.


The non-k variants are still produced and are being sold in the UK for silly prices, often around £600


Everything here works fine, steel receiver and solid build quality. I just prefer my full size MP5 because it has a stock.


Gun comes with one of the short mags which is fully working, as well as the original box.


Gun has semi, 3rnd burst and auto. Sears for each are in working order


Gun has very obviously never had an optic mounted on it, it has no scratches at all in the claw areas


Postage included, PayPal G&S preferred


Pickup not available due to nosy neighbours and nervous pets




  • Make
  • Model
    Apache K MP5K
  • FPS

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