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2 Offers
2 Questions


Good bits

Ra tech 6.01 inner 440 mm  I also have 520 mm which I can include

Maple leaf hop rubber and ikey 

Shoots well 

Ra tech trigger box 

New bolt 

Npas installed with adjustment tool

6 x gas tight mags

Comes with aim point pictured


Bad bits

Needs bolt catch spring so at moment gun does not stop on empty and keeps dry firing, I have ordered spring from KY  but will dispatch once in stock , can send once arrives.


Slight crack on left side of receiver where bolt catch is (pictured)


General wear and tear 


Gun shoots fine only issue is and this may be hard to understand without seeing issue, but whilst shooting the gun it can some times go off on full auto in semi, I diagnosed that the issue the trigger box is not fully secure and when shooting the bolt slowly  puts it out of place which will then cause the bolt to not reset the trigger properly,  the simple remedy to this is to either whilst shooting put pressure upwards on the trigger guard where the gun will shoot fine, or you can find a way to secure it so the triggerbox does not drop slightly.  


If you are interested I can show vid explaining this. 


But all in all the gun is skirmishable and is beautiful to fire, great recoil and it is loud, the metal pinging sound makes your ears ring!!  for me the minor drawbacks  are just slight inconveniences.


I have set up as dmr so the auto selector has been removed, this allows youcto access hop up adjuster from the side, I have the fire selector to include though.


I wanted to keep and fix up myself but want to cut down on my collection .


So I have priced to factor in its issues so 450 collected. 



  • Make
  • Model
    M14 ebr
  • FPS

Woking, Surrey, SURREY - United Kingdom

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